
Regd. Office - P-7, Udyan Park, Kolkata - 53
Office - 530B, M.G. Road, Kolkata - 82

Monthly Doctor’s Visit

The Monthly Doctors Visit at Home project offered by Sneha Foundation provides essential medical care to individuals in their own homes. With trained health professionals visiting patients on a monthly basis, the project ensures that individuals receive the care and attention they need to maintain good health.

This project is particularly beneficial for individuals who may have difficulty visiting a doctor’s office, such as the elderly, those with mobility challenges, or individuals who are unable to leave their homes due to medical conditions. The Monthly Doctors Visit at Home project provides these individuals with the support and care they need to stay healthy and manage their medical conditions effectively.




June 12, 2020




Charity, Care

We need your Help

The Monthly Doctors Visit at Home project by Sneha Foundation is designed to provide medical support and care to individuals in need. This project provides regular doctor visits to those who are unable to visit a clinic or hospital due to various reasons, such as physical mobility issues, financial constraints or lack of access to medical facilities.

By volunteering for the Monthly Doctors Visit at Home project, you can help improve the lives of those in need of medical care. You can assist in coordinating doctor visits, provide transportation to those who need it, or simply offer your time and support to those in need. This project offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in your community and have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

Volunteering for this project is also a great way to gain valuable experience and learn new skills, such as patient care and communication, as well as develop a sense of community and connection. If you are interested in volunteering for the Monthly Doctors Visit at Home project, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sneha Foundation to learn more about how you can get involved. Your support is highly valued and will go a long way in helping to improve the lives of those in need.

When we think of other peoples lives as linked to our own, our empathy grows. They’ve demonstrated an amazing ability to help build a brighter and better future for our country. – OLIVER SANDERO

Now Any Help is Needed

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